Q2:六爻断卦八卦易经 算命预测
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顺便告诉你,我找这首歌的经过,你这首真的好难找的大凶Q3:算命网站大全六爻免费算命免费测名字吉凶,我费了好多精力,在上翻了上百个网页才找到,一个个网页地打开看六爻算命,刚发现的是一部好恐怖的flash,打开放的是这首歌,但一会儿出来个嗤牙裂嘴的女鬼,一声长长”啊啊啊”那种撕心裂肺的鬼叫声,因为我音箱开得比较大,所以真的好吓人,好在我鬼片也见过不少,没被吓住,后来在免费下载mp3的外国网站查了一大堆都是没有下载的,歌词就大把,后来终于搞到一个可以下载,但要什么美元0.18$才能下载,晕,用迅雷强迫下载还是不等大凶Q3:算命网站大全六爻免费算命免费测名字吉凶,后来又找到一个,下来一听我晕,歌词根本对不上,是一个日本人唱的say it,后来就再翻了,一直翻了一百多个网页,终于在一个小型的美国网站发现,赶快下载,查了查表,凌晨2:33,赶快睡觉,就这样,完了.
Kings-Say It
Say it once, say it twice, or a times
Say you love me, say you need me, 'till the end of time
Say those three words I can't wait to hear
Say that you love me don't waste any time
Say it once, say it twice, or a times
With the kiss from your lips, even with a smile
With the touch of your hands, with a warm
Say that you love me in every way
When we're all alone, I want to hold you close
Look in to your eyes and hear those three words
from you heart, from deep your soul
So you can prove to me that you won't let me go
I'll light the , and lay you on the floor
And kiss your body from your head to your toes
As I can feel you shake and every you take
When I can hear every word as you say,
"Hold me Touch me 'cause this just fells so right
Kiss me love me, just love me the night"
Say it once, say it twice, or a times
Say you love, say you need me, 'till the end of time
Say those three words' I can't wait to hear
Say that you love me, don't waste any time
Say it once, say it twice, or a times
With the kiss from your lips, even with a smile
With the touch of your hands, with a warm
Say that you love me in every way
As we are love, I hold your body tight
Ain't at the clock, don't want to have sense of time
'Cause when I'm close to you, that's all I want to do
For I would be so lost if I didn't have you
Don't whose , don't where the place
I just want to tell you that I love you
You know you hold my heart, you know you hold the key
My door is open for you for ,
Hold me touch me 'cause this just feels so right
(this just feels so right)
Kiss me love me just love me the night
Say it once, say it twice, or a times
Say you love me, say you need me, 'till the end of time
Say those three words, I can't wait to hear
Say that you love me, don't waste any time
Say it once, say it twice, or a times
With the kiss from your lips, even with a smile
With the touch of your hands, with the warm
Say the you love me in every way
Just say those three words
(Just say)
The words I've been to hear
(the words, babe)
Now don't waste any time
Say it once. Say it twice. Say it a times.
Say it once, say it twice, or a times
Say you love me, say you need, 'till the end of time
Say those three words I can't wait to hear
Say that you love me, don't waste any time
Say it once, say it twice, or a times(Say you love me)
With the kiss from your lips, even with a smile
(Oh, say you need me, yeah, yeah)
With a touch of your hands, with a warm
Say that you love me in every way
Say it once, say it twice, or a times
Say you love me, say you need, 'till the end of time
Say those three words I can't wait to hear
Say that you love me, don't waste any time
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